Friday, July 23, 2010

Vacation at Home Almost Over

I got to see the baby yesterday evening, she's rolling over like she's been doing it all her life! And just barely 3 months old. Then I made her cry by taking her into a dark room and sitting down. What a bad Nana I am! What a way to mark the last official day of vacation, making the little cutie cry.

And so, friends, my stay-cation of rest, family, and Photoshop is nearly over. I go back to work on Monday. I've really missed my friends in the office, but it was kind of nice to be on my own clock for a while. It'll be great to get back to work..

If you look around, the blog has a few hints at what I've been up to - but you'll have to wait until Sunday when the new things at the shop are made visible to see what the end results are.

I will tell you I spent a good 18 hours reverse engineering the mathematical theory behind a classic damask motif, though. Yes, my head hurt before that day was over. ;)

It was a good kind of hurt, though. Sometimes I just need to stay working at something until I've figured it out, if you know what I mean.  Now all I have to do is learn how to use what I discovered.

I'd better get going, I have THINGS TO DO between now and Sunday morning!!  ::tease::  ;)

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